Copyright 2022. The Lake Erie Squares Dance Club. All rights reserved
NEW Monthly Dance Location
West Side Hungarian Church - Calvin Center Hall - 15300 Puritas Ave. Cleveland, OH 44135
WELCOME! Square dancing in the western suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio is a social activity where squares
of eight people interact through a series of movements as "called" by a square dance caller. It is a healthy, social and fun activity. Square dancers often say that their recreation is "friendship set to music." It is not a competitive activity.
Modern square dancers learn the movements to the rhythm of music. New dancers begin to have fun with their very first experience.
To meet the dancer's desired level of challenge and time available to participate, modern square dancing is offered in different progressive programs including Mainstream, Plus, Advanced and Challenge.
Lake Erie Squares is a Mainstream and Plus level club. Couples and singles are always welcome.
The music in modern square dancing certainly includes country western tunes but there is also lots of pop, show tunes and even adaptations of golden oldies.
Square dance calls are standardized in the English language worldwide, making it an international recreation. Once dancers have learned the calls, they can dance at any club or square dance event
around the world.